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Electronic Arts: A brief Introduction

Electronic Arts

The term video game is something everyone is familiar of with. With no discrimination in gender and age, ever single individual loves to play video games. While, there are some people who think that these games can be harmful as they can cause violent behavior, if used in obsessive way. On the other hand, there are also those people who judge these games in a positive manner; they say that they are a good mean of stimulating the imagination and creativity of an individual.

However, you agree or not, certainly they have been a cultural phenomenon. They are considered as an art. It is also assumed that they have some sort of special connection with the film world. No doubt, there are many games that have been reshaped into films and a lot of films gave birth to certain video games.

Right from the start of 19th century, the industry of video gaming had been in spot light and increased its importance among all ages of people young or old. And no doubt these games have earned the owners millions of dollars. Here we get introduced to the term Electronic Arts or in other words EA. it is basically the art to produce video games, around the world, for large and small , successfully.

Insight to Electronic Arts:

The Electronic Arts is also known as the EA. This is basically name of a company based in United States. The company is world largest producer as well as distributor of Video games for computers, all consoles, internet and now APK.exe.

The company came into existence in the year 1982, and has its main head quarter in the Redwood City of California. The games produced by the company are of different genres like: action, simulation, strategy, role playing, sports, arcade and adventure. An interesting truth is that there are different brands linked to different genres, like:

EA Sports includes: FIFA Soccer, NBA Live and Madden NFL.
There is an exclusively long list of games which are associated with the brand EA, like:
 The Sims
 Need for Speed
 James bond
 Harry potter
 The lord of the rings

Talking about the EA enthusiasm about the online games, the brand has offered a range of games for different platform like sony play station and Xbox live for the Microsoft. The company had wide open number of studios for video game development around the globe.

 EA Mobile India, Hyderabad
 EA Black Box in Vancouver,
 EA Byrnest Mount Sinai,
 New York, EA Mobile,
 Romania Bucharest, Romania;
 EA Singapore,
 EA Casual Entertainment,
 EA UK Guildford,
 Surrey Digital Illusions
 Creative Entertainment in Stockholm, Sweden.

As for talking about Android and ea Android Games, specifically, the EA had again had lots of innovative gaming ideas on its name. There are many games specially designed for the APK exe supporting files. These games can easily be approached by visiting any site like, to have the free download of these games according

Electronic Arts: A brief Introduction Reviewed by ApkMobile on May 29, 2015 Rating: 5

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