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House of Grudge Android APK+DATA (No ROOT)

House of Grudge NO ROOT APK-2 House of Grudge NO ROOT APK-3 House of Grudge NO ROOT APK-4 House of Grudge NO ROOT APK-5 House of Grudge NO ROOT APK-6

Are you ready to face your fears and take up the challenge?
House of Grudge
In a quiet village just outside the city...
A baby was born to a happy, young couple.
And the seemingly everlasting happiness they felt was shattered into pieces by a tragic event...
On a night which lightning pierced through the darkness,
In a creepy dilapidated mansion,
Something terrible happened...
…but what was it?

- This game may cause seizures and an accelerated heart rate that can be harmful to your health. Expecting mothers, the elderly, children and those with pre-existing heart conditions should refrain from playing this game.
For maximum gameplay experience, please use headphones.
An ‘escape-the-room’ type game that combines problem solving and horror
A game background that will keep your heart pounding
Audio effects that heighten your sense of horror
Unravel puzzles by combining items
Things that abruptly pop out of the dark shadows

Required Android: 3.0 and Higher.

Current Version: 1.0.4

PLAY LINK House of Grudge

Download Link:


House of Grudge APK+DATA 89MB


House of Grudge APK+DATA 89MB


House of Grudge APK+DATA 89MB


1. Install APK.

2.Copy "com.mgameday.HouseofGrudge" Folder to SDCard/Android/OBB

3. Launch The Game.

NOTE: This Game is OFFLINE.

House of Grudge Android APK+DATA (No ROOT) Reviewed by ApkMobile on June 27, 2015 Rating: 5

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