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Sorcery APK+DATA v1.2.2

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Sometimes I feel like I'm wasting my time writing a review when I should really just be pointing at a game and demanding that people play it. This is one of those times. Steve Jackson's Sorcery! is an absolutely marvellous fantasy storybook adventure. Lushly illustrated and expertly told, it should not be missed by anyone even remotely interested in the genre." -- Gamezebo
"Let’s not mince words here... Sorcery’s unique blend of tabletop-like roleplaying (including an incredible combat system quite unlike anything I’ve seen before), and elaborate branching pathways with custom scripts preserving the feeling of Steve Jackson’s work make me now want to… no, HAVE TO acquire it" - Just Press Start
The app uses inklewriter technology to tell your journey in real-time, shaping the story around your choices. The text itself changes based on how you play and what you do, and in combat, the action is described on the fly based on how you play.
Featuring original illustrations by John Blanche, new character art by Eddie Sharam (DC Comics), an interactive map by Mike Schley (Wizards of the Coast).

What's New
Now includes the Rewind button introduced in Sorcery! 3, making it easier to scroll back through the story and try out different choices.
• 1.2.2: Fixes a crash on some devices

Required Android: 2.3 and Higher.

Current Version: 1.2.2




Sorcery APK+DATA 145MB



Sorcery APK+DATA 145MB


1. Install APK.

2.Copy "com.inkle.sorcery1" Folder to SDCard/Android/OBB

3. Launch The Game.

Sorcery APK+DATA v1.2.2 Reviewed by ApkMobile on July 10, 2015 Rating: 5

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