FINAL FANTASY VII v1.0.17 Apk + Data For Android
FINAL FANTASY VII is a role playing game for android.
Game Story:
With its unshakeable monopoly over Mako energy production, the evil Shinra Electric Power Company holds tight to the reigns of world power.
One day, a Mako reactor serving the sprawling metropolis of Midgar is attacked and destroyed in a bombing raid by a revolutionary group calling themselves Avalanche.
Cloud Strife, a former member of Shinra’s elite “Soldier” unit takes part in the raid as a mercenary hired by Avalanche and sets events in motion that will draw him and his friends into an epic struggle for the fate of the planet itself…

Depending on the terrain and timing of the action, the buggy, submarines, airships, and other modes of transportation may cease to move when the player embarks or disembarks. Currently, the only fix is to restart the game from a data file saved before the bug occurred. We recommend saving frequently and/or utilizing multiple save files. This bug occurs most often when players embark or disembark while extremely close to the terrain, as well as during time-sensitive activities for events.Please note that the game will not save automatically when escaping from a battle on the world map, even if the Auto Save function is set to the ON setting.
Game Story:
With its unshakeable monopoly over Mako energy production, the evil Shinra Electric Power Company holds tight to the reigns of world power.
One day, a Mako reactor serving the sprawling metropolis of Midgar is attacked and destroyed in a bombing raid by a revolutionary group calling themselves Avalanche.
Cloud Strife, a former member of Shinra’s elite “Soldier” unit takes part in the raid as a mercenary hired by Avalanche and sets events in motion that will draw him and his friends into an epic struggle for the fate of the planet itself…

WHAT'S NEW v1.0.17
Issues with cutscenes have been fixed for the following mobile devices:
Samsung Galaxy S6 (6.0.1)
Other minor bugs fixed.
Current Version: 1.0.17
1. Install Apk
2. Copy "com.square_enix.android_googleplay.FFVII" Folder to Android/OBB
3. Launch The Game.
Note: This Game is OFFLINE.
FINAL FANTASY VII v1.0.17 Apk + Data For Android
Reviewed by ApkMobile
August 16, 2016

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